Red Ring of Death
I've had my X-box 360 for more than six years and it has worked like a charm all those years, up until now. All the talk about "Red Ring of Death", I mostly wrote off as a hate campaign from jealous Sony-fanboys, but last week reality hit me when my 360 froze during the intro animation, and promptly RRoD'd when I tried to reboot it. The warranty lasts for three years, so the alternatives were to either send it in to Microsoft and wait one to four weeks for them to repair it, use some home-made reparation kit, or simply buy a new one. Sending it in for repairs seemed like the cheapest alternative, but since L.A. Noire is going to be released on friday I don't really want to wait a month to play that game. So I figured I'd buy a new console, a 360 Slim with a 250 gig hardrive. One of the biggest upsides of this one is that it looks way better than the old version.
I bought the bundle that comes with Halo: Reach and Fable III. Yes, I actually bought a Halo-game, but the guy who sold it to me was very convincing. Unfortunately, as I played it all my fears were realized as it was a highly mediocre game. The graphics look pretty bad, grey and brown with few details. Gameplay is as poor as you would expect an FPS-game on a console to be, except pretty much worse since the auto-aim which console FPS's rely heavily on in order to be playable, is turned way down. The enemies look boring, the story and gameplay plays very much like Call of Duty in space (well, technically on another planet). This game got a 9.5 on Gamespot which is unbelievable, I know I go on about this, but I just can't get over it. Fantasy RPG-games are not really my cup of tea usually, so I haven't had the time to check Fable III out, but I will when I get around to it.