Citizens of the Internet!
This is my first foray into the wonderful world of blogging. Prior to this I have always disliked anything and everything even remotely connected to blogs, but word on the street is that it is what all the cool kids are doing these days. If you can't beat them, join them. So I am joining the mindless grey mass of followers who let the current trends dictate their every move. This is where I'm going to try to cut it short because I could go into a tirade about the glorified idea about blogs some people have, but in order to try to keep to my subject I will save that for another day.
Video games have always been a part of my life to some extent, from childhood until now at 28 years of age (yes I am born the same year as Chris-Chan). Sometimes I've played less videogames, when I was a kid a lot. A couple of years ago I bought a Wii and a Nintendo DS and since then I've played quite a lot and I've tried to keep up with the video games news flow. Don't worry though, I also own a X-box 360 and a gaming PC.
So what games have I been playing lately? First off I bought Fire Emblem: The Shadow Dragon for DS about a month ago. The game is fun and all but it has some JRPG traditions holding it back. First off is the saving system which should let you save at any point and/or backtrack one or more turns (it is a turn-based RPG). Heroes III came out over a decade ago and has this feature, there is no real reason why Fire Emblem doesn't have it too, other than it not being a tradition in JRPGs. This becomes a problem when you spend around 20 minutes on a drawn-out battle, only to make a slight miscalculation resulting in one of your best characters dying. Now you have to either A) quit the battle and start over, or B) continue knowing that your party is considerably weakened and all the time you put into leveling that character is for naught. Lazy as I am, option B was my choice throughout my current play through. This hasn't been much of an issue up until now when I've reached a level with one enemy who can't be killed and whose attack kills in one swift stroke. Which is always fun. Apparently he leaves after six turns or so, but it's still quite a pain in the ass.
There are more games I've played but I'm going to leave this as it is for the moment since I feel this one is already long enough.
Peace out!